Thank you for expressing an interest in our ancient and honorable Fraternity!
Through our timeless Masonic experiences, quality men of sound moral character receive significant value from being a member of our ancient and honorable fraternity.
Fellowship (Brotherly Love)
• A feeling of belonging and social attachment with faithful friends and Brothers who care about you and champion your well-being and success on life’s journey
• Connection to the 60,000 Master Masons in Illinois Freemasonry and the millions of Brothers around the world who, informed by “The Right of Visitation” (a Landmark of Freemasonry), are ready to recognize our Mystic Tie and extend our privileges
• Peace of mind associated with the old maxim, “I am my Brother’s keeper, and we will take care of our own”
Learning (Masonic Truth)
• Access to the “Wisdom of the Ages” provided through our unique Masonic degrees (educational process) and other periodic Lodge and District educational / training events
• Personal growth and development from acquiring new skills and improving current abilities (i.e. public speaking, project management, coaching, leading men to deliver results, written and verbal communication, inspiring people, etc.)
If that describes your interest in Freemasonry, then we welcome you to learn more about membership in our Illinois Masonic Family.
A copy of your email will be forwarded to the Lodge Secretary who will be contacting you to make an appointment to talk about your interest in Freemasonry. In that conversation, you can ask questions about our Fraternity and the Brother will likely offer you the opportunity to meet some of the members of Hesperia Lodge.
Again, thank you for showing an interest in learning more about our Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Illinois.
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